a href="https://twitter.com/Bollywood_Times" class="twitter-follow-/> Bollywood Times: Ra.One Total Collection 123 cr nett (All Language). Hindi Version - 115 cr nett.

Tuesday 29 November 2011

Ra.One Total Collection 123 cr nett (All Language). Hindi Version - 115 cr nett.

Finally Ra.One theatrical revenue has to a near end. From now whatever Ra.One is collecting is just peanuts. Ra.One has collected 30 Lakh nett all India in its 4th week as figures received from distributors. Another 20 Lakh max it will generate in Indian Box Office. Ra.One total collection is 123 crore nett all India all Language combined. Ra.One Hindi Version has collected around 115 crore nett all India. 

Ra.One has recover its cost from theatrical and various other avenues, but point to be noted that it has procure losses to distributors in 2-3 major domestic circuits. Still it is commendable is that despite Ra.One huge cost it has fully recovered its cost.

Collection Breakup (Actuals)

1st Week - 106 crore nett.
2nd Week - 15.25 crore nett.
3rd Week - 1.45 crore nett.
4th Week - 0.3 crore nett.

Total (All Language) - 123 crore nett.
Total (Hindi Version) - 115 crore nett.
Verdict - Average (Because of High Cost Factor).

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